Samrala RTO Office address is SDM Office Ludhiana Road NR. Busstand Samrala, Ludhiana, Punjab - 141114
RTO code of Samrala city is PB43.
According to RTO Database PB43 RTO Code is of Samrala city.
PB43 Was the RTO code of Samrala Punjab. 1st Two Latters PB is assocated to State and last 2 digit 43 assocated to city.
Samrala RTO Office pincode is 141114
Samrala RTO Office phone Number / contact Number is +91-1628-262354 or you can contact via email Not Available
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All vehicles operating on Punjab roads must be registered with the Punjab RTO. To complete the vehicle registration process, visit the nearest RTO office in Punjab. According to the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, every vehicle owner is mandated to register their vehicle at the appropriate RTO using Form No. 20 for their respective area. Ensure you submit all required documents along with your car registration application at the Punjab RTO.